For The Record Celebrates Six Months in Greenpoint!

A part of me never really thought we would make it this far. To most it might seem very routine and when the lovely Greenpoint community comes in for a coffee or maybe to browse records, everything seems very "same old same old". But behind the scenes the past six months has been a real learning curve and the biggest challenge of my life so far. It has been months of constantly adjusting and moving and fixing and perfecting (and then more adjusting)-- just little micro movements. I want to thank you, whoever is reading this, from the bottom of my heart because it means you made it to our Instagram or to our website and you took the very little free time you have in the day to learn about the story behind my coffee shop. I started roasting my own coffee about ten months ago and in that time I have had my whole world changed many times over. Personal struggles and defeats, milestones hit and missed at the shop, regulars met and names exchanged a hundred times. Through it all it has been such a wonderful journey I would do it again in a heartbeat. Thank you for saying good morning when you come in, or "take care" when you walk out with a fresh cup of coffee in your hand (or maybe a pastry you're saving for later). Thank you for saying hi to me in the street when we cross paths, maybe I'm even carrying enough milk to feed a small village. Thank you, Greenpoint, and thank you to those visiting from out of town who just stumbled and blew in to check us out. Every time one more person walks in and out of the store it is one more memory I have impression I have made with our hospitality, our coffee, our music, and our service. So I hope to be here six months more and then six more after that on and on until someone eventually tells me it's time to stop.
With love,
Lucas, Owner of For The Record