IN REVIEW: The Desert Is Paper Thin by Corntuth

Over the past year and beginning with my discovery of Mort Garrison's Plantasia (regulars in the shop will know my love for it and have definitely listened to the album with me) I have grown a soft spot for ambient lyric-less music. Ambient music is all very knew to me still but I have very much been enjoying the time I have spent listening and cultivating my mini collection of it. A few months ago I met Corntuth at the shop and he dropped off this album for me. Off that bat it is a beautiful cover that helps transport you to a different landscape where you can submerge yourself under the musical blanket. I think Corntuth accomplishes his goal of the album with care and purposeful music composition. When we met, he had told me that this was his Covid passion project and like with many projects that were created during the heart of the pandemic the listener can certainly tell that we are meant to be somewhere else. This album is best listened to not in your living room alone (though I am sure it is wonderful there as well) but with friends together. One important aspect of the album is that the production artist Corntuth sent the album to is a very talented musician in his own right, Pete Finney, who added a beautiful pedal steel overture which Corntuth then remixed again with synth textures. I strongly urge listeners to enjoy the album from top to bottom. C-006 is my favorite song and is for me and where the musical journey takes a turn you will not forget.
P.S. Corntuth's next album, LETTERS TO MY ROBOT SON, comes out this Friday. Make sure to give it a listen!
I will add some relevant links to help support Corntuth here: